Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Meaning of Strength

Business is based on two major part Name and Strength

Name means your company reputation in the market, and Strength is your work capability it is nothing but your personnel. If you are HR then what will be point of view from your side absolutely it should be Strength, then how much you are worry about Strength?, what are you looking for it?.

Strength is built up with your personnel property with your company. Dose you know how you evaluate your personnel strength? In simple term we can described as below
  1. your company/organization work for
  2. company/organization production capability
  3. how much skilled work you need
  4. how much support you need
  5. where is dependance of your work
  6. and what you have with your personal

is that simple to understand, let me explain with an example, if you are a manufacturing company which produce a scooter then as per above

  1. company work for Scooter
  2. company will have machinery which produces 100 scooter in month with available raw material
  3. company need 5 technical engineer, 10 helper, 1 manager for done this job
  4. company need 2 sweeper, 2 cleaner, and 4 watchman as support
  5. company is depend upon constant supply of work
  6. then actual personnel in hand

with the expectation and exact situation in hand will be able to calculate the Strength of your personnel.

My discussion point is that does even if we have little strength in hand does our work will not successes or in simple work do we not received target if don't have sufficient Strength?

Yes we do, if you don't have over confidence but have confidence then you can do anything.

Even you have lot of automated machinery along with your plant, you will failure due to lac of good personnel management, because even this situation you will need list a person who can take care of you atomization and if this person is not get well treated then your lost is lot than normal system.

My discussion point is that how important is human being for success of any business and tackle to him is skill of Personnel Management.

I will continue with this discussion how ever I need some best suggestion from your side to make accurate this article.

I does schedule to complete this article before end of May I will post new thoughts I as I wrote in my blog so please keep reading...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice kedar !
I agree with you. keep it up!
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